Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies

The Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies document sets out the strategic land use policies to meet Cornwall’s economic, environmental and social needs and aims for the future. It will form the framework for all development and supplementary planning documents, and our Neighbourhood Plan.

It was recently amended to reflect comments received during it’s consultation in 2013 and since. The amended document was out for consultations during spring 2014. During the summer Cornwall Council considered the new representations that were made and proposed a ‘Schedule of Focused Changes’ for consultation during autumn of 2014. This consultation ended on Thursday 16 October 2014. The Plan, and the Focused Changes, were then considered by the full Cornwall Council on 16th December 2014. The full Council approved the documents for submission to the Secretary of State. The documents will be submitted in early 2015, and an Examination in Public is expected in summer 2015, with adoption in autumn.

A copy of the documents that are being submitted can be found below. To get a complete picture you need to cross reference from the Submission Document to the Focused Changes document and the maps that go with them, and also the policies of the Carrick Local Plan that are being ‘saved’. For the Strategic Policies section on Falmouth see pages 68 to 72 in particular.

Cornwall Local-Plan-Proposed-Submission

Cornwall-Local Plan Key Diagram







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