This page contains links to the work of the Economy Working Group / Falmouth Area Coastal Community Team
The Economy Working Group joined with the Falmouth Area Coastal Community Team to prepare an Economic Plan in late 2015, which has been used to guide bids to the Coastal Revival Fund and Coastal Community Fund as well as providing evidence for the employment and business policies of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
This is a link to the Economic Plan
Coastal Revival Fund Bids
A bid to assist in the development of plans for the revitalisation of the town centre area was made in 2015, but was unsuccessful.
Working with the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society FACCT made a bid to towards the development of a proposal and business plan for the revitalisation and modernisation of the Polytechnic building to meet 21st century standards of access, sound insulation, IT and performance technology and create additional activity space. In late 2015 a grant of £20,000 was awarded by the Government.
Bid no2 Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Coastal Community Fund Bids
EWG/FACCT made a bid July 2016 into the Government’s Coastal Community Fund for help build the Town’s capacity to bring forward new projects and make significant bids to the fund in later bidding rounds. ‘We have plenty of really great ideas for economic growth coming forward from organisations in Falmouth, but we need help to build them up into practical projects’ said Cllr Candy Atherton, who leads the EWG/FACCT team. ‘The idea is to help work up the projects so that they are ‘oven-ready’ for submission to grant-making bodies.’ The capacity building bid is for £75,000 towards a total project cost of £100,000.
An application was also submitted by Falmouth Town Council, with EWG/FACCT’s approval, for funding of the Kimberley Park Community Stage (£65,000), which should be in place in time for next summer season.
EWG/FACCT also supported a bid made by the Cornwall Marine Network for the ‘Marine and Offshore Renewable Collaboration’ project to help local firms take advantage of the new business opportunities flowing from the developers of marine and offshore renewable energy projects.
Also supported was a bid by Falmouth Oyster Festival CiC to secure grant that would help the Festival extend its media coverage, attract higher profile bands and chefs, obtain improved equipment, extend the involvement of local schools, and attract sponsorship packages, all of which would help sustain the Festival into the future.
CCF 4 Bid 1 Falmouth Kimberley Park Stage
CCF 4 Bid 2 Falmouth Capacity Project
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